Confetti Balloon Tips
How to Get Confetti to Stick to the Sides of the Balloon
The confetti needs static to stick to the sides of the balloon. It's easier to generate static with a balloon filled with air, but it is possible to do it with a balloon fill with helium. If you rub the inflated balloon on a dry piece of fabric, it should help the confetti stick to the sides a bit. Things like microfiber and polar fleece are the best. You need to be able to build up a lot of static. This works better with air-filled balloons, but it should also help with the helium-filled as well. The humidity of your environment will affect this (less humidity is better).
If the balloon is filled with helium, the best way is to set the fabric on a table top and rub the balloon where the confetti is pooled. Essentially what you’re trying to do is transfer static to the confetti itself (not the balloon). So you want to be sure you can see confetti touching the part of the balloon that you’re rubbing. It’s important that you rub the parts where the confetti is touching already, otherwise it doesn’t work well.
Due to varying environmental conditions, we can't 100% guarantee results.
Confetti Balloons Aren't Floating
Most of the time this happens because the balloon isn’t fully inflated according to instructions in the package. We weigh the confetti out for each individual balloon so that we’re 100% sure that the confetti won’t weigh the balloon down. The balloon needs to be inflated to full capacity according to the height (in inches) you ordered in order to float. Otherwise it won’t have enough helium to lift the weight of the balloon and confetti. If you ordered a 36" jumbo balloon, we insist that you inflate them to at least 30 inches tall. Please measure, because they're much bigger than you might think if you do it by eye.
If the balloon was inflated to the correct size and still didn’t float, it’s likely that it was inflated using a helium tank that was diluted with air. Some companies will do this because it saves money on helium. They typically make the air/helium ratio based on the weight of a standard solid latex balloon, and this obviously doesn't take into account balloons that may have extra weight such as confetti.
We've tried to compensate for this by adding as little weight to the balloon as possible while still keeping a healthy amount of confetti to be sure the balloon looks nice. So they should still float with some air dilution, but if the tank is diluted within a micron of standard float time for a regular balloon, there's nothing we can do to compensate (and if a shop inflated your balloon for you, they should be aware of this). We include all of the instructions in our packaging that should hopefully help clear up any issues beforehand, but if you have any further questions, please contact us.